
Best in class procurement for every organization

About Us

Our mission

At BlueBean, our mission is to simplify the way employees buy without compromising on compliance, controls and automation.

We believe that more can be achieved with less. We inspire ourselves from the consumer world and adapt experiences to the needs of businesses. Not the other way around.

While we believe our mission will never be accomplished, our success is measured through our customers’ productivity improvements around three metrics: employee engagement, speed of fulfillment, reduction of invoices and expense claims.

We are leveling the playing field for everyone

Professional Procurement is the preferred method employed by larger businesses to boost their profits. Not only does it make economic sense, but it also keeps human resources untouched.

Managing purchasing is no longer the privilege of large companies. You no longer need large teams and budgets to control your spending.

By minimizing software, we are empowering companies of every size and their employees to get more done with less.

We live procurement

Our team at BlueBean has decades of experience in Procurement. As product and tech leaders, our founding team has experienced all procure to pay (P2P) technological waves to date: from the REQCAT application by IBM in the 90’s, Ariba Buyer in the early 2000’s, and to the Coupa Business Spend Management platform from the 2010’s.

Fabrice Saporito
Founder and Chief Executive Officer Linkedin
Mika Huuhtanen
Founding Chief Technology Officer Linkedin
David Marc Ashton
Founding Senior Director of User Experience Linkedin
Isaac Rosado
Founding Senior Software Engineer Linkedin